This has been a long time coming for me. There are things that are so precious to you that you can't imagine sharing them with anyone.
Well, this podcast is me giving in and wanting to share what is precious to me.
Today is the release of the first episode with actual detail about this fantasy land I have been writing for over a decade. The overwhelming joy, anxiety, and fear of releasing this is taking a toll on me like a child seeking approval from his father. I hope that as the story develops for our cast, you find yourself feeling the emotions that they have with their characters. There will be times for them of joy, laughter, anger, and sadness as their characters begin to experience what this world can do to them.
I want to thank you all for tuning in and supporting this podcast. The last six months have been a busy and stress-filled to try and make this a well produced and accepting outlet of story, media, and blogging. There are several people I would like to thank personally, but I won't waste your time with that now. They know who they are. The support that I have received from friends and family is immeasurable. But who I really want to thank is the cast of The Four Orbs who have sacrificed so much time to help get this podcast into motion. The continued weekly gatherings and discussions for the production of this podcast is what keeps me moving--and believe me, there were times that I almost gave up.
Over the next couple months we will be releasing one episode per week on Thursdays. The editing process takes several hours for me to add music (that I am writing) and correct the voice work. This is my first time attempting to do this kind of production and I'm learning more every day. So thank you for your continued support on some "sketchy" production quality as I learn.
My goal is to make this a podcast just for you.
-Dave (The DM)